// file: content.php // purpose: accepts a variable from the URL to display a page based on value of 'page' [http://www.hardcourt.com.au/content.php?page=X] // created: April 2009 for NSWHTA ?> //file: header.inc //purpose: header information for site (called from content.php) //created: April 2009 for NSWHTA ?> $time = microtime(); $time = explode(' ', $time); $time = $time[1] + $time[0]; $start = $time; ?>
The New South Wales Hardcourt Tennis Association was inaugurated in 1924 with a view to promoting and organising tennis within the Metropolitan area of Sydney. The main activities of the Association are to:
There are now 14 metropolitan Associations affiliated with the
Hardcourt Association. They include:
Hardcourt is an incorporated entity under the Associations Incorporation Act.
//file: endX.inc
//purpose: closes off page (called from //content.php)
//created: April 2009 for NSWHTA
$year = date('Y');